Construction and Renovation for IPs Bundle
Construction and Renovation for IPs Bundle
Non-member price: 180.00
Member price: 115.00
You save 36.1%

A well-trained, knowledgeable IP is critical to the success of any hospital construction or renovation project. Get the tools you need to develop your skills in this area with our Construction and Renovation for IPs bundle. Combine our online course with our Construction & Renovation Manual to ensure you're prepared for any construction or renovation in your facility.

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vProductThumbnailvProductTitlevProductCodevMemberPricevStandardPricevProductCategoryvProductStatusvProductKitvProductOtherDescription and Renovation for IPs BundleBUN-CONSTRUCT115.00180.00LMSATrue

A well-trained, knowledgeable IP is critical to the success of any hospital construction or renovation project. Get the tools you need to develop your skills in this area with our Construction and Renovation for IPs bundle. Combine our online course with our Construction & Renovation Manual to ensure you're prepared for any construction or renovation in your facility.
