APIC Learning System for LTC-CIP - Printed Books Add-On
APIC Learning System for LTC-CIP - Printed Books Add-On

This offer is only available for IPC professionals who have already purchased the APIC Learning System online materials for LTC-CIP™ and would like to purchase the printed books.

You'll be able to keep the books as reference materials for years to come with answers to long-term care IPC challenges right at your fingertips.

Note: The printed versions include the same content as found in the online e-Book version.

The printed books of the APIC Learning System for the LTC-CIP include all six modules:

Module 1: Long-Term Care Settings
Module 2: Microbiology, Epidemiology, and Normal Aging Processes
Module 3: The Infection Prevention and Control Program
Module 4: Surveillance of Communicable Diseases
Module 5: Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases
Module 6: Infection Prevention for Ancillary Services

https://apic.org/Resource_/store/learning-systems/IPC-KT-500.pngAPIC Learning System for LTC-CIP - Printed Books Add-OnIPC-KT-500100.00100.00ADMINAFalse 