Ready Reference for Microbes, 4th edition
Ready Reference for Microbes, 4th edition
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The fourth edition of this quick reference provides straightforward information on medically common and clinically significant microorganisms: bacteria, common commensals, viruses, fungi, parasites, and organisms used as bioterrorism agents.

  • Easy-to-read tables in a flip-through spiral format make it quick and simple to find the answers you’re looking for
  • Includes a chapter on antimicrobial therapy, and seven “quick facts” appendices on essential topics: common pathogens by body site, methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, C. diff, seasonal influenza, isolation precautions, antibiograms, and antimicrobial stewardship
  • References and Additional Resources provided at the end of each chapter guide you toward other essential sources to supplement your learning
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C. Alesich Chachere; A. Hernandez3/20/2018 12:00:00 AM4thPrint978-1-933013-71-8177APICSLS6005